Monday, November 23, 2009

Hack Your Brain with NLP by Joshua Ryan

NLP serves as a method for decoding and understanding the certain filter your brain uses to understand its experiences and then reprogramming it according to appropriate linguistic commands. Given that we each have individual sets of personal experiences, inner monologues, and mental lenses, each of us has a unique language embedded into our personal operating system. This language is centered on the sensory data and modalities we connect to more often, meaning the senses we rely on most for receiving information about the world around us. Some people describe experiences or mental pictures in sights or colors, others in audio or sounds, and still others remember or perceive things at a kinesthetic level, feeling the information or scene. A practiced NLP doctor can analyze your speech patterns and then identify which sensory language you relate to most effectively. This is the programming language that gets utilized to crack into the mind and aid you to redefine the patterns determining you obstacles.

It's possible to do this on your own by taking these basic neuro linguistic programming ideas and focusing them toward your own life. Remember a specific experience from your childhood or adolescence and explain it to a friend who wasn't present. What terms do you use, how do you describe it? Is it the space, the shapes, the details of color you see or do you hear bits of conversation or music or voices in your mind? Perhaps you just have a general idea of how it felt and what the textures were like, the temperature, etc. Pay attention to these words and terms because they are the basic elements of your mental computer.

If you're dealing with a specific obstacle or road-block, like fear of heights for instance, you can analyze how this fear or feeling looks, sounds, feels, or smells depending on the sensory modality that holds dominance for you and then reverse the anomoly. If you experience the fear in your gut, you might note that it feels like this fear energy is rotating clockwise in your abdomen. So you guide the mind toward feeling it pause and then reverse, to rotate the opposite direction. This is a signal directed at the subconscious saying to reverse the pattern of fear in the belly in response to heights. This is a simple example however the subconscious mind operates primarily on symbolism, in code. So you need to encode your desires and decode those problems bubbling up in order to communicate with you subconscious, depending on those sensory modalities you've identified for yourself.

Sequences of habit and behavioral pattern form over long periods of time or during dramatic or traumatic events so don't expect a simple once-over will do the trick for more serious debilitations. Some folks require work like this for extended intervals in order to rewrite the trauma or habitual patterns that have been ingrained in their psyche over years of habit. Be patient with the process and keep exploring the deeper levels and complexes of your psyche and you'll take this neuro linguistic programming to the next phase in your life.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Subliminal Messages: Training and Retraining the Mind for Success by Marvin King

Subliminal messages are all around us. We just do not recognize them. Only our subconscious mind does such that when a message or image is flashed at a very high speed, our mere eyes do not see the message but the subconscious understands and accepts it. They are in things that we use everyday such as phone books, foods, drinks, video boxes, magazine or newspaper ads, paper bills, etc. Also, we can hear subliminal messages through songs and speeches.

With this, we need to be wise in choosing positive assertions to impress upon our subconscious mind. We may drop a phobia or an addiction; add a new skill or attitude, and many more. With this, we can quickly improve our life by using just subliminal technology.

Subliminal messages may come as follows:

* Optical Illusions * Interactive Puzzles * 3D Images * Multimedia * Brainteasers * Impossible Figures * Visual Surprises * Subliminal Music and Messages

Thus, these contemporary days, we have subliminal mp3s or subliminal audio. We can now learn and develop our selves with just our subliminal mp3.

We may be like other skeptics who are asking if subliminal messages really work. Let us take it this way:

According to Freud, the mind may be perceived like an iceberg. The tip of the iceberg which only accounts for 10% is the conscious mind while the remaining 90% which is submerged underwater is the subconscious mind. Any information that the critical conscious mind does not filter goes into the not critical subconscious mind. With this, we are not aware that such information influences our behavior and attitude. This is why we are encourages to stay positive and collect positive thoughts, actions, attitudes, and many more.

Our mind is a special computer. It can do many tasks at the same time. It can greatly improve our life. We can even get more intelligent, make lots of money, lose excess and unwanted flab, drop bad habits, eat healthier, and improve relationships without doing anything!

This is very astonishing!

What can we do to achieve this?

* Advertise to your own mind information which you really need and want to improve your life instead of getting duped with commercial advertisements. * Think more about wealth, happiness, and success. * Play your favorite game. * Smile.

There are software that can help us much with this. These can be downloaded freely from the World Wide Web or can be purchased at a price. There are millions of subliminal tapes that are being sold. Likewise in response, lots of people who want to encourage themselves with traditional subliminal messages buy these software.

These days also, there are computer programs which allow us to make our own custom subliminal message.

Indeed, subliminal messages can help us redirect our path to a better life. All we have to do is train, train, and retrain ourselves. In the long run, we can feel the changes in our life.

Monday, April 20, 2009

How to get your child to sleep through the night in their own bed

For young children to properly develop their memory, perform better at school and generally be happier, it is essential they get a good night's sleep every night.

As parents, it's up to us to make sure our children follow a set of bedtime procedures and have a healthy sleep environment.

Here are some ideas to get your child into a sleeping routine that helps them fall asleep by themselves and keeps them in their own bed all night.

• Aim to finish your evening meal a good 2 hours before your child's bedtime. Time to digest food is important in getting a child into a relaxed state.

• Give your child a warm bath after dinner. This gives them time to play by themselves. In the case of particularly boisterous kids, it also helps them to calm down.

• After bath time, get your child dressed in comfortable pajamas and make sure they brush their teeth, take any medication and make a trip to the toilet.

• You'll be tempted to simply sit down in front of the TV and let your child fall asleep. Don't. Children are like sponges. Firstly they shouldn't be watching primetime TV, and secondly, watching television means you miss out on family time.

• Instead of watching television, tuck your child into bed and read them a short story. Studies have shown that watching television makes children more alert and less likely to want to fall asleep.

• Lighting plays an important role when reading to a child. The more light there is in a child's room at bedtime, the more likely they are to want to stay awake. A soft bedside lamp is ideal.

• Don't get too carried away with bedtime storytelling as this will simply make your child more alert. Your objective is to calm them down and get them to realize just how tired they are.

• Make sure your child's room is quiet, dark, cool and comfortable. An ideal sleeping temperature for a young child is 17 Degrees (Celsius).

• After telling your story, say goodnight and leave quietly. At this point you're probably thinking that this routine won't work. At first it may not, but as long as you can keep to the same routine each night for a few nights, you'll see that it does.

Finally, bear in mind that children who can fall asleep by themselves are less likely to wake you in the middle of the night making excuses about nightmares, strange sounds or any number of other amazing stories they seem able to come up with at 2am. And if children are able to go back to sleep by themselves they will not only be able to get more rest, but they'll allow you to get the rest you need to enjoy them when they wake up full of energy the next morning. by David Salt